Why Volunteer?

By: Volunteer Success

It’s really important to think about why you want to volunteer to find the right role. Are you simply doing it to graduate because community service hours are required for high school graduation in your province? Or are you looking for a meaningful experience?

  • There are great benefits to volunteering for both high school students and college/university students
  • Think about your specific why(s) for volunteering:
    • Use or develop skills: check out this skills self-assessment
    • Explore your interests and a career path. Get some great ideas here!
    • Develop your resume or application for post-secondary school
    • Give back to the community and contribute to something larger than yourself
    • Meet new people and develop your network

Once you can answer your why, go to: Where & Who to Volunteer With?

Also check out:

When can I volunteer?

How to Find the Right Volunteer Opportunity

How to Apply for Volunteer Roles

How-to Tips for Interviewing and Email Communications

How-to Tips for Applying for Unadvertised Volunteer Opportunities

How-to Tips for Working in the Volunteer Role

How to Troubleshoot Problems in Your Volunteer Role

How to Get a Reference and/or Paid Role!

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The Road to Volunteer Burnout: How to Avoid It and How to Manage It

By: Lori Gotlieb

As the saying goes, “if you want something done, ask a busy person”. This holds very true for volunteers and the dedicated work that they do. People are busier now then they have ever been and balancing your life has become more and more complicated. People volunteer for a variety of reasons; they want to make a difference and give back to their community but they also want balance in their volunteer efforts. If they do not get the balance they will get burnt out. This is called “volunteer burnout” and it is more common than you think.

Does your volunteer webpage attract people to volunteer with your organization? A checklist for Managers of Volunteers

By: Lori Gotlieb with Volunteer Success

The volunteer webpage is a key piece of online “real estate” for volunteer recruitment. Make sure you are using it to its full advantage to turn visitors into active volunteers and ultimately ambassadors for your cause or organization. Here’s a checklist of recommendations to make your webpage a key part of your volunteer recruitment and management strategy.