When to Volunteer?

By: Volunteer Success

Timing is everything when it comes to volunteering. Check out this time-saving article to help you figure out what is the best time for you to volunteer, when to start looking, and how much time you can give!

  • For high school students: finding the right volunteer role can take time so don’t wait until your final year of high school to start looking.
  • Thinking of getting a paid job in grade 11 or 12? Try to get your hours completed in grades 9 and 10 so you aren't juggling volunteer and paid job commitments. In fact, getting volunteer experience early can only help you get a job later in high school!
  • Age matters: in some cases, organizations may only accept teens if they are over the age of 16 or even 18. Some may require parental permission if you are under a specific age.
  • Think about your schedule and when you are available to volunteer. Are you available in the evenings and on weekends only or do you have any half-days on a regular basis for volunteer work?
  • Many nonprofits and charities only offer volunteer opportunities during regular business hours (Mon - Fri, 9 to 5) so you may wish to look for those opportunities that are available evenings and weekends.
  • Volunteer opportunities can be one-day, short-term (3 months or less) or long-term (3 months+). Again, consider what kind of commitment you can make so that you can find the right opportunity.
  • Depending on the work involved, virtual opportunities may offer more flexibility in terms of time and scheduling.
  • Need lots of hours? April to October is the “outdoor event/festival/charity race season”. These one-off events generally take place over the weekends and require lots of volunteers. If you need hours and enjoy working in a fun, busy environment, look for event opportunities.

Ready to start your volunteer search? Go to How to Find the Right Volunteer Opportunity

Also check out:

How to Apply for Volunteer Roles

How-to Tips for Interviewing and Email Communications

How-to Tips for Applying for Unadvertised Volunteer Opportunities

How-to Tips for Working in the Volunteer Role

How to Troubleshoot Problems in Your Volunteer Role

How to Get a Reference and/or Paid Role!

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