What is Volunteering? A Guide for Youth

By: Volunteer Success

Do you want or need to volunteer but not sure how to get started? You’ve come to the right place! In this series of short articles, we will cover the what, why, where, who and hows of volunteering. We begin this learning journey by defining what exactly is volunteering.

What is Volunteering?

  • Basic definition of volunteering: the practice of giving one's time or talents freely and without compensation for charitable, educational, or other worthwhile activities, especially in one's community.
  • In other words, doing good for the community without pay!

Don’t skip the next step because you need to know your why! Go to Why Volunteer?

Also check out:

Where and Who to Volunteer With?

When can I volunteer?

How to Find the Right Volunteer Opportunity

How to Apply for Volunteer Roles

How-to Tips for Interviewing and Email Communications

How-to Tips for Applying for Unadvertised Volunteer Opportunities

How-to Tips for Working in the Volunteer Role

How to Troubleshoot Problems in Your Volunteer Role

How to Get a Reference and/or Paid Role!

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