How to Troubleshoot Problems in your Volunteer Role

By: Volunteer Success

Just like in a paid role, sometimes the experience "on the job" isn’t what you expected. Pay attention to these red flags when volunteering:

  • You aren’t using the skills that you had hoped to use: for example, stuffing envelopes instead of helping clients at reception
  • Staff are too busy to properly train or supervise you
  • The staff ignore you and you feel like an outsider and not part of a team
  • The organization doesn’t know what to do with you and you end up waiting around to be told what to do
  • You don’t feel like you are contributing to anything
  • You aren’t sure who your supervisor is because you have different people telling you what to do
  • Your supervisor isn’t friendly or supportive
  • No one thanks you for your time and contributions and you feel unappreciated
  • You are either feeling confused or bored, or both!

If these things start happening to you, don’t just ghost the organization and stop showing up! Try to problem-solve the situation with the supervisor or the Volunteer Services Manager who initially placed you. Letting them know that there is a problem is great feedback for them and they should take your concerns seriously.

Managing volunteers well takes a great deal of planning and thought and if the organization doesn’t have things organized behind the scenes, then it helps them when you let them know what the problems are. Many non-profit organizations are volunteer-run themselves (there are no staff, only volunteers) and likely those volunteers are only working on a part-time basis. Or the coordinator may be a staff person juggling multiple roles, for instance fundraising and volunteer coordination. Under those circumstances, there may be a good chance that there isn’t enough time to properly organize a large number of volunteers.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Set up a time to meet with the supervisor or the Volunteer Services Manager to discuss the problems and have a clear description of what is happening.
  • Stick to the facts and describe the situation non-judgmentally. Use I statements: “When this (fill in the blank) happened, I felt this way or I reacted this way.
  • If the issue is with your supervisor, talk to the person who interviewed and placed you
  • Have your position description on hand. If you didn’t get one, that could be the problem right there. Perhaps they don’t have a good plan in place as to what volunteers should be doing.
  • Make sure you understand how your role contributes to the larger mission of the organization. Even small mundane tasks can help: for instance, being a greeter at reception or event makes you the “face of the organization” and helps clients and visitors feel welcomed.
  • If you are feeling isolated, ask if you can do your work with another volunteer so that you can do the work as part of a team of two or more.
  • Ask if you can be placed elsewhere in the organization. Perhaps there is another department with a more supportive and more organized supervisor.

If after trying to problem-solve your issues, nothing gets resolved or changed, then it may be time to move on. Volunteering needs to be win-win: good for you and for the organization.

  • If you decide to resign, email the staff supervisor or Volunteer Services Manager and let them know well before your next shift that you will not be returning.
  • Let them know your reasons for leaving and that if things change in the future, that you may be willing to come back (but only if that’s the case).
  • Ask for your verification of completed volunteer hours if you need it for school
  • Be polite and professional in your tone
  • Fill in the Exit Survey if they send you one and give them your feedback - professionally!
  • Don’t get discouraged! Learn from this experience to find something that you really enjoy! Ask questions in your next interview so that you know that the organization has all their “ducks in a row” in order to manage volunteers properly. Are they clear about:
    • What they want you to do (they can give you a position description) and why the role is important?
    • Who is supervising you and who you are working with?
    • What kind of orientation and training is offered?
    • How will they make you feel part of the team?
    • Do they have volunteer testimonials on their website?

Need to start over? Review: How to Find the Right Opportunity

Found a fix to your problem? Review: How-to Tips for Working in your Volunteer Role

Also check out: How to Get a Reference and/or a Paid Job!

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