Not very much has been written about the benefits of volunteering other than the obvious: volunteering helps in career development, volunteering is good to share skills and volunteering is the foundation of communities but recently there have been some interesting data about volunteering being good for your health, especially during these difficult times where finding ways to feel good are so important. Volunteering can be a key to getting those positive endorphins running through our bodies.
Have you ever wondered how volunteering benefits employees – beyond that euphoric feeling of helping another person? We’re here to share facts and research on several of the key health benefits, both physical and mental, that employees realize through volunteering.
Is there a soft bias towards volunteers because they only volunteer once a week or month? Volunteers can’t be as committed, as knowledgeable, as valuable or impactful as staff who labor 40 (wait, who are we kidding, like 60-80, most uncounted) hours a week? But in reality, less time spent by volunteers is a gift.